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a Spiritual Teacher. It is used preceding the name of the person
Swami So-and-So-and is merely the same as Professor
Holiness, or similar. It is a title which is given when one has
reached the stage at which it is deserved. If you want to be
very respectful to a Swami you will call him Swamiji.
TAI CHI : The wise men of China used Tai Chi to indicate
that to which we return upon leaving this world. It is the
Ultimate, or the end of all things incarnate. It is reunion with
one's Overself, and a state which upon Earth one can only liken
to bliss.
TALK : It is a sad fact that so many people talk too much, and
about things of which they have no knowledge.
People get hold of half a story, and they immediately rush
away to their nearest and dearest and make a story and a half
out of it, and complete fiction at that.
People should be like the three wise monkeys, see no evil,
hear no evil, and say no evil; people should be like the wise
old owl who believes that those who talk least hear most. Most
people emit a torrent of sound like the falling waters of Niagara
Falls, they babble, they drivel, they open their mouths and let
all their rambling, unsorted, senseless thoughts come pouring
out in a cacophony of unrelated sound, discordant sound, too.
When a person is talking, a person is not learning, and if a
person does not learn, well they come back to this Earth until
they do learn. The best thing that most people could do would
be to put a sticking plaster over their lips, and keep their ears
wide open.
TAMAS: This is inertia, laziness, prejudice. It is that which
enables things to maintain a constant form.
When we go to the cinema, or when we look at television, we
are suffering from static inertia, and without static inertia we
should not be able to see the intermittent flickering pictures of
the cinematograph film or of television. In the eyes this static
inertia could bc termed residual ocular memory.
A person who is lazy or sluggish is a 'Tamasic' person.
TANMATRAS: This is accually five fundamental principles
which correspond to the senses of touch, sight, hearing, taste,
and smell, which we have with us while we are in the con-
scious state and which correspond to air, fire, earth, ether, and
TANTRAS : Tantra applies to any of the writings or scriptures
connected with the worship of Shakti.
The purpose of Tantras are to give one a philosophy or
discipline which enables us, through their correct practice, to
obtain liberation from ignorance, liberation from rebirth
through direct knowledge.
TAO: In the days before the Communists upset the human
values, Tao was The Way, the Principle, the Truth. Tao is
that which shows us how to proceed, shows us the path which
we must follow. It teaches us, in essence, to take The Middle
TAPAS : This is something which the aspirant Yogi has to do
every day. It is a form of body conditioning. One has to do
certain breathing exercises, one has to have certain mental
Discipline makes the difference between a proud army and a
rabble; discipline makes the difference between a genuine Yogi
and a genuine fake!
Some people are not able to discriminate between truth and
fiction. The latter go in for all sorts of absurd exercises, far
beyond anything that is necessary or desirable, and they spend
so much time flinging their arms and legs about, and getting
in weird and unnatural positions, that they have no time or
energy left for SPIRITUAL development.
TARA : I must put in this word as a tribute to Ireland! Ire-
land has ballads about The Halls of Tara, wonderful songs
relating to history of long bygone days.
In the metaphysical world, Tara means 'The Savior,' but in
this case the Savior is the Divine Mother who was the Consort
of Shiba.
TARAKA : This is actually a centre between and in front of
the eyebrows, and if a pupil is meditating correctly he or she
will be able to see, or sense, a light in front of and between the
TAROT : This is a pack of cards, seventy-eight cards in all;
and the Akashic Record says that these cards contain the know-
ledge of the 'Book of Thoth.'
The cards contain for those who can read them! all the
knowledge of past history, but nowadays they are also used for
Tarot cards are shuffled, and one's sub-conscious magnetizes
certain cards in much the same way as a piece of ebony, when
rubbed, can attract a piece of tissue paper, or in the same way
as a piece of magnet can attract a piece of iron. The sub-
conscious, which is nine-tenths of us, exerts a magnetic
influence through the etheric, and so certain cards are sub-
consciously selected. Tarot cards, in the hands of a genuine
person, are genuine, and they are quite infallible.
TAT TWAM ASI : In a lamasery the students have to meditate
on That, which, of course, is the Overself, and they have to
be able to distinguish That from This, the latter of which is
the manifestation.
When the students are able to distinguish between That and
This they are able to say with truth Tat Twam Asi, which
means 'That, you are.
TE : A Chinese word relating to virtue. Virtue, of course, has
to be moral, but Te also relates to power in all senses of the
word. You can have power for good and power for bad, but Te
most often refers to virtue and power used for good.
TELEPATHY: Telepathy is the art, or science, or ability,
whereby we pick up and understand the brain waves of others.
Just as a radio station broadcasts a program, so does the
human brain also a form of radio station broadcast the
thoughts of the person to whom the brain is attached.
Thought is an electrical impulse, or series of impulses, and
thought radiates everywhere just as does the program from a
radio station. So any person with training can become tele-
phathic, that is, they can 'tune in' to the thoughts of another
person, and can also inject one's own thoughts into the receptive
areas of another person.
TELEPORTATION : This is a little understood science in the
Western world; teleportation is the art of sending a material
object by thought to another location. A poltergeist, for example,
can pick up a large object such as a chair, and cause it to move
violently across a room.
In the Far East, suitably trained lamas can cause a heavy,
material object to be transported by thought to another location.
Gravity, which gives a thing apparent weight, is merely a
magnetic attraction between the object and the core of the Earth.
Under certain conditions the magnetic attraction can be lessened,
or entirely removed, so that the material object becomes less
heavy or actually without weight. This process is adopted when
an article is being teleported. It is also a system in use during
TIEN LI : This is Divine Law, the Law of Heaven. The Law
of that place to which you go when you leave this world.
TIEN TI : This is the origin of life, the Universe, everything.
It is All-ness ; that which is and which always has been.
TOUCH STONE : Centuries and centuries ago, when the world
was a much wiser place than it is now, before the age of aspirins
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